Friday, November 19, 2010

Bakray Do Hazaar Dus.

This is our first ever Eid without our parents. Honestly, I wasn't looking forward to it at all. All I wanted to do was huddle in my warm, bouncy bed with a huge mug of coffee, masalay walay fries and my books (all on my laptop, sadly they aren't available here yet).

But, no.

We had to go to Islamabad since they're the closest family we have (on my dad's side) and because we usually always spend Eids with them. So, we went.


Don't get me wrong, I love the weather but this damn flu is making everything look bad. Anyway. We went hiking again =D

I hate hiking, usually but the weather was so awesome and the trial was so so so so beautiful it was impossible not to have fun. Then later that evening, it started raining. And we played badminton in the rain.

So you can imagine my... Discomfort. First hiking (and it was around 3 hours long) then playing badminton. And oh, yes lets not forget our friend the flu and the temperature and the sore throat. But its been good. Really, I'm surprised we had fun =P

Bus ab I can't wait for my parents to get back. No, I don't care if its uncool to miss my parents, I really do miss them.

Hope your Eid was good, too =)


Lonely Perverted Soul said...

Are u still is isloo? And yea my Eid was nice..

Ubaid said...

mujhey isloo jana hai

Abdullah Tariq said...

I want masalay walay fries.


Lioness Without A Pride said...

You misspelled 'trail' :P

The Me. said...

I can't have coffee with food. =[
But yum nonetheless =[ .
And omG. Hiking. And Rain. Perfection much? =']

Ali said...

God, i arrived here yesterday and i already got the flu and sore throat!!!! What did you do!! i am taking panadols as of now.

Don't even feel like going to my classes any more.

This weather is bad, esp from what we have in khi :((