Monday, March 5, 2012

Being Scared of Success.

Fear of failure is a term every single person has heard. From my own personal experience, it seems every 3rd person has a fear of failing at whatever they think they won't be good enough at. Sound familiar? Yeah, I thought so.

But here's the thing. Its always been the opposite for me. I used to be scared that if I were right about an answer once, I'd have to be right every time. If I scored well on a test or in my semester once, I'd have to do it every time. That, honest to God, scared the shit out of me. I didn't want to be held responsible for being excellent every time. I couldn't be. Why would I want that hanging over my head every time I attempted anything at all?!

So I didn't. I didn't try. No, this isn't some sob story. I was just surprised because I didn't know it was one of the leading problems existing in students. Fear of Success isn't all that common, but it's present in A LOT of students. Reason for being an underachiever, a procrastinator, etc, etc. Whatever. I'm just relieved to know it exists and I'm not as crazy as I thought I was. Lol.


Maryam A. said...

God I am so glad this phobia exists.


Maryam A. said...


Roshni said...

Its one of the things that scare the beejesus out of me =(

Qurat Zafar said...

Fear of failure scares me. I think they'll point and laugh. To come out with it with bluntness and truth is commendable. Trust me your candid remarks just made most of us feel a whole lot better. I can only admire you more.

Deviation said...

Nice try Procrastinators.

The Me. said...

I feel like it ain't the Fear of success that holds us back but more like a compulsive need to succeed everytime we attempt something innit?

Maryam said...

Lol good one, Daniyal =P

The Me, you're talking about something else entirely. That would be the Need for Achievement.

Maryam said...

Maryam, Roshni, Qurat I'm glad you guys agree with me =P

Kinza Ahmed said...

Agreed. We need to come up with a way to stop this since this could cause a lot of brain damage, and more probable, wastage of time. But that can only come if we provide students security and assure them that theyll be treated fairly.