Tuesday, May 18, 2010


We had this seminar on Hypnotism and Hypno-Therapy today. It was really interesting and the expert was a lot of fun as well as immensely knowledgeable - you're probably thinking 'yeah, obviously he'd have to be' but a lot of times they really aren't experts any more than you or I. But I digress. The guy was Max (Maqbool) Babri. Maybe you've heard of him?

So, I'm really fat and lazy right now and don't wanna type more.


Imma go be more fat and lazy and blog later =)

- Stay safe.


Roshni said...

he hypnotized you about his charmmmmmmmm =0

Anonymous said...

haha, i somewhat agree with Roshni :P

Maryam said...

Haha, I'm a very unlikely candidate for hypnosis so no, I wasn't hypnotized =P

The Me. said...

Sounds interesting! =o

Ubaid said...

Can you make people do some cool things after hypnotizing them? =D

Maryam said...

The Me: It really was!

UB: Only if they're willing =D
The hypnotized person, that is.

Lonely Perverted Soul said...

yea it happens...im fat and lazy too... :P

Anonymous said...

i wish to see that persomn now :P

Anonymous said...

and oh yes this is my blog, please start following me,


and i have started following you too and i find ur writing interesting, have a good day.

Ubaid said...

Ok I know a stupid question but I have logical thoughts and reasons to ask this.....

Can you make them super smart by hypnotizing?

Maryam said...

UB, as far as I know adding extra abilities isn't possible and is also highly unethical.

Ubaid said...

But if brain controls everything why can't we hypnotize it and make it use itself more, I mean we only use a portion of our brave. Isn't it possible to make us use it more?

And I don't consider it unethical. We would be just creating better human beings, more focused and efficient human beings. What's so unethical about it?