Sunday, February 27, 2011


There is a line between being funny/sarcastic and just being plain rude. 90% of people will cross that line almost all the bloody time.


Furree Katt said...

i usually fail in both areas :(

Lioness Without A Pride said...

OHMYGOD Maryam, I was just thinking, the other day, about how most people I know thankfully get that I'm being funny most of the time. And about how it's really hard to get that translated online. And about how HORRIBLE I'd feel if I said something IN JEST just to go with the flow and milk the situation of every possible PJ that can be made, and somebody got hurt because of it and won't talk to me ever again especially when I really really like them.

But I always try and give people the benefit of doubt. I hope they do that to me, too. Because really, life sans funny = horrible.

CrazyLady said...

THANK you for reading my mind right nopw. And it's so bloody hard to tell them that they're being hurtful, because then they're like 'Serious kyun ho gaee ho?'


Maryam said...

FK: Its okay. You're tiny.

Lioness: You do realize though, that you take care not to say something that hurts people. The people I'm talking about don't give a shit about that.

CrazyLady: YES. EXACTLY. God.

CrazyLady said...


I hate people. -_-

Maryam said...

Because apparently, they're never wrong. Hum nakhray dikhaatay hain. Btw, did you leave FB?

CrazyLady said...

Yes, only for a little while though. I LOST MY DEACTIVATIONGINITY. Mithai ho jaye bois.

Aseela Haque said...