Friday, April 17, 2009


Mama asked me to make achaar gosht, which is sorta my specialty. I told her I'd manage quite nicely without her help, thank you very much. She actually snorted with laughter. I stared and then putting my nose in the air, flounced off to the kitchen. I WAS managing quite nicely till I got out the yogurt. Now, the yogurt was the desi type and came packed tightly in a plastic shopping bag. Having dealt with such annoying knots quite well previously, I gave no thought to this one...

...and ten minutes later I was glaring at it, panting and red in the face with the effort. And the annoying, previously-quite-well-dealt-with knot just would NOT be quietly dealt with. I wrestled, I tugged, I screamed and swung it around and around and stomped and...

...okay, fine. I didn't. Not quite, anyway. Lol. It DID frustrate me for about 6 minutes and then I just decided to go at it with the knife. I made a nice, sweet, tiny puncture at the side and with difficulty, measured out two cups. I was pouring the remainder into another bowl when it decided to be dheet and started squishing and swirling and sticking to the plastic. I, Ze Efficient, squeezed it and...

...PHHHHUUUURRRRRRRR!!!! Dahi ALL OVER the counter, the wet, newly washed glasses, the achari masala, the bottles, and anything else within the vicinity. 

But I, Ze Efficient, was quick enough to clean it before Mama came in =P

GOD, it smells good. 


Sadaff said...

haha i love achaar gosht with lots of extra dahi.mhmmmmm

Anushay. said...

When I come over someday, woman you cook for me!

gone! said...

Haha! That's funny :P