Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Ye Title Likhna Zaruri Hota Hai?

Mujhe khaufnaak kism ki bhook lagi hai. Khanay ki, btw. To clarify for SOME people. Mama aur baba uth he nai rahay pata nai kya ho gya hai in ko aj. My brother is hulking around the house looking all emo and sullen and refusing to string words together to make a sentence. He prefers monosyllables. So cool. My sister is rushing around the whole house trying to get her considerable stuff together and be ready on time and as usual, failing spectacularly. 

I wandered into the room my sister and I share and,

"Meri Rape of the Lock dekhi hai?" (her)


"OMG kidr chali gai hai!!!!!!"

Running here and there with me staring after her. 

"Er. Did you get up late?" (me)

*horrible glare* "YES. Why he hell do you THINK I'm running around the house?!"

*pause and uncertain stare* "Bee-causeee that'swhatyousuallydo?"

Yes, I said that just as fast, cause she scares me in the mornings. Even though I'm older. Hmph. But anyway. 

"Why didn't you get up when I did? You woke up when my alarm rang" (me)
*more horrible glare* "Beacuse - duh- I went back to sleep again"
*looking at Maryam like Maryam's a moron and she's the one who goes back to sleep even AFTER waking up*


Oooh chaye! No wait, no chaye. Milk, finished, bread, finished, eggs - SO MAAANNNYY 0_0.

I'm eating the bunties wala muffin my sister made last night. Yeah, bunties. Chocolate chips milay nai thay xD

I haven't done any of my Stats or Psychopathology revision and since yesterday was my first day back...oh yes. Very much bisti today. 

Thank God. They left for school, both the scary alien beings I'm forced to call my siblings. Light gonna go in about 20 mins so...yep, signing off.



Anushay. said...

Atleast she says the whole name of the poem
We used to go around in school discussing "rape"[of the lock]with wide eyed girls then eavesdropping on our convs =D

Good morning lovelyy! I hate that you access blogger from your phone now bcuz I miss our morning chats=)

Atiya Herekar said...

This was actually rather funny...

Maryam said...

Anushay: If she'd said 'Rape' to me, I'd have started mouthing off whatever my perverted brain comes up with. I wouldn't have understood, obviously =P

Yawar: Lol, we ARE rather funny =P

Atiya Herekar said...

Do you do anything other than blogging? Like studying?

Maryam said...
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Atiya Herekar said...

Aren't you in LUMS or some hard school? Or are you a wife-and-mother-in-training? Not to say that isn't hard.

Maryam said...

Er. Neither. *shudders at the latter*
I've given up on studying, waise. When I study, I get a horrible GPA. Last two semesters, I didn't study a word. And look at my GPA =D

Anonymous said...

dnt ever come to LUMS, its a pathetic place. and please please please teach me how to get this much GPA without studying... :( :( :(

Maryam said...

Listen to the lectures. Don't skip classes. Take notes yourself. Most of all, pay attention. That's it.

Anonymous said...

hmmm.. well and u say u dnt study :P
isnt all of that included as a part of studying..

i try to listen, but they put me to sleep, my room is too far from the academic block so i procrastinate :(.. i borrow notes :) oh i definitely pay attention, but not where its required T_T

yet i Dnt get good grades. i will heed to ur advise this quarter ^^

Sidra said...

"Why didn't you get up when I did? You woke up when my alarm rang" (me)
*more horrible glare* "Beacuse - duh- I went back to sleep again"
*looking at Maryam like Maryam's a moron and she's the one who goes back to sleep even AFTER waking up*

I love us XD

gone! said...

Oh, that reminds me of my lovely mornings with the family. My brother and sister used to do the exact same thing but I was mean enough to splash cold water on their faces so they don't snooze the alarm and sleep again :P

Try it, you won't be disappointed *experience is the best teacher*

Anonymous said...

Chaval. <3