Friday, February 6, 2009


I forgot this part. We have an answer sheet of about 24 pages. TWENTY ** FOUR PAGES. That's not a joke.

And apparently, people in my class DIE if they don't fill at least THIRT FOUR EFFING PAGES. Today's paper? We got 6 questions for 3 marks each, and 1 question for 9 marks. The 9 mark one was obviously supposed to be written in detail but the 3 mark questions? It was CLEARLY specified "Describe the following theories very briefly" - wih 'very briefly' underlined twice. Any retard could figure out that means WRITE. LESS.

Oh but NOOOO, thee HORROR! AFCOURSE they cannot write less, their fingers would fall off! Today, I asked a friend of mine WHY she asked for about 5 more extra shits and she goes "jab tak mein sara kuch yad kiya hua na likhun, meri tasallee nai hoti."

I was *insert blank, emo stare*

I will never understand why. Never.

I really need to get out. I wanna go to Karachi. Or Islamabad.
(I think we established quite long ago my tendency for uncontrolled bursts of random bakwas. No excuses for this one, plis)


Anushay. said...

i wanna go to khi too =(

Anonymous said...

...please where can I buy a unicorn?