Sunday, May 3, 2009

M for Murder.

And M for Maryam. And M for Maryam who can cheerfully murder. Its been 6 days and I bet there are 60 more I have to tolerate. I'm getting advice and being cautioned and lectured at every 2 hours. I'd hoped to take it in stride but I resent everything I have to give up just because -censored-. I snap, sometimes. I can't help it. There is a limit to everything, you realize? I'm reaching mine. Very quickly. God help you if you make me cross it.

Oh and if Maryam talks in English, her cousin considers that very rude. And if Maryam is performing tests on her sister, whom she's chosen as her subject, and the test requires ABSOLUTE PRIVACY AND NO DISTRACTIONS and her pea-brained cousin takes that to mean 'laugh and talk and scream and make as much noise as you can', and Maryam politely asks her to getthefuckout (of course I didn't actually say that) then Maryam is -oh horror of all horrors!- HAYE SO VARY ROOD.

I'm going to go eat blackcurrant jelly now. And work on Community Psychology. You guys realize your comments actually make me feel better? Yeah, not so subtle, I am =P


Anushay. said...

I'm sleepy.

A comment it is.

Anonymous said...

Hahahahaha! I would sympathize if this wasn't so funny. HAYE. I am also being ROOD. =D Kaha tha na bhaag ke aajao. Ab bhugto. =P

Icannotsing. said...

"Oh and if Maryam talks in English, her cousin considers that very rude."

Oh my God. =/ Et tu Brute? I have such people in my family too.

*dances with joy..

=D =D =D

Maryam said...

Holy...girl: Yar bus rehne do. I've just about reached my limit.