Thursday, May 14, 2009

What Just Happened?

We're giving a farewell to the graduating class. No, wait, let me re-phrase. MY CLASS was planning on giving a farewell and I was definitely not getting involved/attending. At all. The last time I did, it was HORRIBLE. So, this morning I decided wtf, it won't even be fun, what's the point, right?

No. Not right. We were having a class discussion of where we wanted to throw the party and I offered ONE suggestion. ONE teeny little suggestion. And suddenly, I'm organizing the whole thing (of course, with help but main work = mine), giving suggestions every-which-way, convincing the staff to do things our way, planning, planning, planning. I have absolutely no idea how I got here. I have to get 72 wine bottles - empty of course - lol, 5 sashes, catering deals (I NEED DISCOUNTS!!!), and blah, blah.

So I plan on making this slide show with pictures of the graduating class. I don't want to use PowerPoint, its way too limited. I need suggestions, can you tell me a good software I can easily download (the CD-ROM doesn't work) and make a slide show from? Help, help. And girls, please give ideas for fun titles we can give to the seniors. 



Ubaid said...

try using adobe flash or you can do it with adobe premiere ... it would add some effects as well !! and oh yeah along with that you can animate through these softwares too !!

Lonely Perverted Soul said...

If u havent used adobe before so it maybe wont be that easy... So u probably should use windows movie maker 2.. Its easier...