Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Rise to the Occasion...

You awaken...

You stare down in disbelief at the blood on your shirt. Your eyes follow it slowly upward as it trickles down from the wounds in your neck. You can't believe you're still alive.
Everything feels different; every sensation feels new. But above all these new and strange feelings rises a terrible thirst. One such as you have never known before. You feel a deep, pulsing need....

Rise to the occasion.

So this is what happens if you join Vampire Wars on Facebook =D


Anonymous said...

i liked this post until i read the last line :p
and i was thinking yar is nay twilight tu nai parhi :p

Maryam said...

LOL! Er. It struck me as funny =P But then you can't hear my reading that out in deep, dramatic tones =P
Ofcourse ive read Twilight. Thank God. Though sometimes i wish i hadn't.