Tuesday, August 11, 2009


I am very, very proud to say that I have a friend who has remained one of my bestestest friends for 16 years (Mashallah). Despite her moving to Dubai when we were in Grade 4, despite her coming over only every other year - Its only now that she comes over every year. We meet each other almost every single year except that one time, cause of the Benazir hungama. I refuse to call her 'shaheed', btw. No, I do not care if you are insulted. Whatever she was, she is not 'shaheed'.

Rambling, again.

Anyway, Sashu Pashu, I love you. And I hope we're still friends years later =)


Ubaid said...

Mashallah :) .... this is called friendship...

Americanising Desi said...

i m totally wid u on the shaheed bit!
